The show, part of the American pop quartet's Unbreakable World Tour 2008, follows the release of the group's sixth album, "Unbreakable" last October.
It's the group's first concert in Hong Kong. The band has been away from the limelight for a long time, but it never officially broke up.
AJ Mclean, member of Backstreet Boys, said, "A lot of people in between "Black And Blue" and " Never Gone" thought we've broken up, thought we were done and we never really broke up, we've just taken a break, we had toured for nine years straight. And we had not taken a break, we probably going cuckoo, and probably wouldn't be here right now."
The group's first two albums, "Backstreet Boys" and "Millennium," released in 1997 and 1999, sold more than 10 million copies each and topped the charts in 25 countries. To date the Backstreet Boys have released 6 studio albums which sold over 75 million copies worldwide.
Brian Littrell, member of Backstreet Boys, said, "And I think look back on the past and everything happened with a reason, we're here today, you know because it's just meant to be. I think we would continue to get stronger hopefully, we have another 15 years together, but you know we always want it to be better musically, emotionally, physically. Touring get us back in shape and make us more ambitious, give us a drive, see our fans faces, make us stay out, tour forever."
The boy band, now comprised of Brian Littrell, Howie Dorough, A.J. McLean and Nick Carter, has already performed in Malaysia, Australia, the Philippines and Indonesia. The group will go on to perform in Tokyo, and Seoul after playing a concert in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province.
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