- The most important difference is that it’s more mature, we are very proud and all of us have involved in this album
Howie, did you enjoy your bachelor party?
- Yes! It was great with Kevin, AJ and 20 more friends.
Howie, is it true that you are recording a spanglish solo album?
- Yes it’s true. I want to explore my language by my own. I’ve been in Miami with my producer (George Noriega) and with Jon Secada.
Where do you like to go when you are on holidays?
- At home and on Christmas time with our families. On Thanksgiving Day we are going to be in Germany. Also we like to go to warm places such as Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
AJ, why did you have all those tatoos?
- Because my tatoos has become a diary of my life. When something good or bad is happening I write it in my diary and if it really influences me then I tatoo it.
Were you afraid of your return to the music scene without Kev?
- No. For the fans it’s like a shock but for us it isn’t. We miss him and he will always has the doors open to come back. We know he is happy with his current life and we saw him a few days ago.
Which song of the new album you like most?
- AJ: “Helpless when she smiles” and “Trouble is”
- Howie: “Inconsolable”
- (A few minutes later Brian and Nick answered this question)
- Brian: “Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon”
- Nick: “Unmistakable”
How you feel now on the stage being only 4?
- It’s weird. We have to dance more as long as we sing. We hope that the fans enjoy the concert and don’t miss Kev so much.
Will you sing any song of this album in Spanish?
- Yes, we want to translate one of the songs, maybe the next single.
What’s the best thing of being famous?
- Travel around the world, see beautiful countries, new people … different cultures, foods. There are things that we couldn’t do if we weren’t famous.
When do you come back to Barcelona in concert?
- We’ll be back between May and July: Barcelona, Madrid and may be other cities of Spain.
Have you thought to teach what you learned in all your career? I mean, to be a singing teacher.
- Maybe, when we are older. When I think of a singing teacher I think in bifocal glasses and grey beard and a lot of diplomas on the wall.
Are you guys going to do any kind of appearances in Tampa where fans can go to see you up close?
- On tour, this summer. We were there one month before the cd release.
In the future, duets on your album?
- We’d like to make a duet with any artist. We’ve done duets but never on an album, with Shania Twain, Sting … We’d like to do one with Shakira and Ale Sanz
Will there be another album after Unbreakable?
- Yes, we are talking about it.
(Now Nick and Brian start to answer questions)
What are your musical inspirations?
- All kind of music, R&B, gospel, rock, pop, country, hahaha…
Brian, would you like your son to be a singer?
- Yes, if it’s what he wants to do.
If you could to ask for a wish to be real tomorrow, what will you wish?
- Nick: No more war.
- Brian: No more poverty and I agree with Nick of course!
Nick, do you think to do other things as an actor?
- Yes, I have to finish Fast Glass and then I’m going to direct, act and write a horror movie, probably the next year.
Brian, how to feel to be a father?
- There’s nothing better in the world than being a father.
Will “Everything but mine” be a single?
- We don’t know, we’d like but we don’t know!
Nick, are you interested in contemporary art?
- I love art, my grandmother was a painter. I like white and black and I’ve started to make a collection, I have a painting of Wyland.
In what countries do you think you are the most welcomed?
- Spain has been always very special for us because the fans have much passion for BSB.
Do you think to include solo performances in the next tour, like many years ago?
- Yes, we’ll do!
- Brian: I’ll sing some songs of my solo album
Source: Portal Mix.Com Thanks to Litrellfans for English translation
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