April 2010 - In Rock Issue - Japan
Translated by Tony of LD
Nick was doing some exercises, when I called him. While using earphone to chat with me, Nick still continue his exercises. From the other side of the phone, every now or then I can hear the gasps of breath causing by exercises like “ha…ha….”.What kind of exercises this guy is doing? With this kind of doubt, I started my interview with him.
–How’s going recently?
Nick: Awesome!
–You’re indeed very energetic. What are you doing recently?
Nick: I am keep doing some physical exercises. For the upcoming tour, itfs very important to store for the future..
–Yeah. You are coming to Japan again, aren’t you? Before that I want to ask you something about the set of show this time.
Nick: No problem.
–You have used many clips of movies. AJ said he played “Fight Club” like Brad Pitt. What about you?
Nick: This…We actually…Did AJ really talk about the movies with you?
Nick: I played “the Matrix “
–Wow, Matrix! What’s in it?
Nick: It contains many differences compare to the original one. It satisfied my craving for action movies.
–Why you chose this movie?
Nick: Because this kind of movie is very exciting. I love action movies very much. This time I played the role “Neo” that once played by Keanu Reeves. And this gave me a chance to show what I have learned. This makes me really exciting.
–Oh, that’s it. Keanu Reeves once said that this movie is a “body” movie. So before you start filming it you have to work out very good body. Had you done any special training?
Nick: No, no need. I just acted for about one and a half minute, it’s not that hard. So it didn’t give many burdens towards my body.
–Oh so that’s the way it is. Why you found out so many movies to perform it, this time? What’s the connection between those movies with your music and performance?
Nick: We are just doing our best to make our fans happy. After all, this is just a entertainment. This is a very special idea, isn’t it? We just wanna do something that nobody has done before. To put some short movies into the show isn’t it exciting? Nobody has done this before. We just wanna make fans feels like they are watching a movie.
–Did this idea come from you?
Nick: eh, this idea did come from me. But it also owe to every Backstreet Boys. As a group, we need to do one thing together so it will go on smoothly. Only in this way, the inspirations will keep coming.
–Last time you came to Japan, I went to see your shows in Kawasaki, it’s really a great show. Really energetic show. Especially when you were in the center of the show, you poured more energy into the show. Is that what you did on purpose? Is that your responsibility of the group to bring more energy into the show?
Nick: Energy is very important. Indeed, recently I paid most of my attention to how to control my work rate and my energy. Eh, it’s really important to control it.
–Everyone has their part of work on the stage, isn’t it?
Nick: In fact, we are keeping thinking about this question. Each one of us has different characters, not everyone can have all those ability. Just like someone can sing the highest pitch, not everyone can do that.
–Last year, Brian got the Swine Flu; you have to cancel some shows. And there’s a time that AJ lost his voice. Have you face this kind of problems?
Nick: I always try to keep fit by doing exercises, and I drink some vitamin drinks. But sometimes it happens even you are very careful, because we need to move from one place to another, it really drain us out, sometime we will break down. Even though, some shows still need to go on.
–Do you do exercises everyday?
Nick: After every show, I’ll let myself rest for some times. It will do no good to keep working without resting. But, right now I’m going back to work out everyday, I do it for our tour.
–Is it fun to do exercises? Or you just have to do it?
Nick: I love exercises very much. But if you ask do I just have to do it? My answer is yes. Yes, it’s something you just have to do. For keep youth, for a clear mind, for concentrating more, for not to get sick frequently, this is something we have to do. This is also a challenge towards me. I used to be bothered with the problems of figure.
–eh, eh, I know that. Ha-ha, By the way, you birthday is next week (Jan.1th 2010)?
Nick: Yeah, right.
–How will you celebrate it?
Nick: I haven’t decided it. Now I am thinking about it, too. Actually, I’m personally not that that kind of person that wants huge party. But this is my 30th birthday; I may invite many friends to come. Although I’m 30 right now, but I still feels like I’m still 20.
–Ah? You’re 30, too? It’s so unbelievable. The first time I interviewed you, you were like 15 or 16, that time you are just a boy band. Counting time, you’ve been on this stage for 17 years.
Nick: Yeah!
–Keep been successful for more than 15 years it’s not an easy thing.
Nick: It is. Thanks.
–Though you say you don’t feel like 30 years old, you still can’t deny it that with years are getting old, you fans are growing with you. Would your fans ask for you to change?
Nick: Our fans are just waiting for us to do things I like. They can’t foresee what will come from us next. But you do need to do something new to feed fans’ needs, and that’s what we do now.
–You definitely will continue to do good music, that’s also what fans want.–Yeah!
–Your new album last year “This Is Us”, it become the best foreign seller in Japan.
Nick: Cool.
–You have said you will be nervous before the show. Do you still have this problem?
Nick: No, not nervous at all. It’s kind like exciting; those hearts striking moments feel very good. Sometime I will get a little bit nervous, but it’s not the kind of nervous that make you forget what you should do. It just brings you excitement.
–In order to let everyone have a light heart onstage, you all have your own dress room.
Nick: No, we are share the same room.
–You love towards music is well know. You say you often go to studio to make music. Right now what kind of music will make you feel excited?
Nick: Right now, I’ve been listening to some old music. Especially blues music. I’m listening to some very old music right now, in order to seek the source of music. Knowing the basic of music can help you to master the core and style of your music. So I’m listening to that old music.
–I’ve heard that you were preparing for your second solo album. But you gave up half way? Why? Do you still wanna do a second solo album?
Nick: Actually I’m working on it right now.
–Who are you working with?
Nick: Right now I’m still doing it all by myself. In a word, I’m still writing songs right now.
Nick: Yeah, for now. I’m still searching. Searching for the style of the music. But, the basic style Pop and Rock will not change.
–when will you got time to record when will we hear this new album?
Nick: I’m still writing songs, i haven’t gone into the studio. During the time in Japan, I will continue writing some music. I may go to the studio after this.
–You’ll have a break in April and May, won’t you? AJ says he will have his solo tour during that time. Will you do something for your own solo album?
Nick: Yes, that’s how I plan it.
–Okay, can you spare me sometime to take some pictures for you then?
Nick: You can tell that I always put InRock in the first place.(Laugh)
–Thanks, I have saved many pages for you. I love your first album “Now or Never” very much. It’s a very outstanding pop and rock album. I especially love that song called “Miss America”. I’m waiting for the next album.
Nick: I will definitely release a second album. I’m quite confident.
–Besides music, you are into many different areas, aren’t you? Many people have invited you, right?
Nick: Yes, the cooperation with Jennifer Page turns out to be really successful.
–Jennifer Page? The one who sing duet with you?
Nick: Yeah, that’s her.
–Can you introduce her to me?
Nick: She’s a singer who has some hits in the late 90s. So, when she sent me invitation for cooperation, I thought there’s no reason to refuse her. So, I worked with her and we wrote song together.
–You wrote it?
Nick: I wrote it with her.
–What’s the name of that song?
Nick: It’s called “Beautiful Lies”.
–Is it the first duet that you have made?
Nick: Well, yeah.
–How can we hear this song? Will it be in your new album?
Nick: No, it’s just released as single. It’s her single. But you can buy it at iTunes. All you have to do is searching “Beautiful Lies” on iTunes.
–Then I’ll go to searching for it. I have told you that you new album have sold very well in Japan. How about the other country? Brian said you last album had been received by radio station in US. How about this time?
Nick: it’s a pity. But compare to US, we have done a not so bad job in other countries. But it’s not a bad things, on the contrary, it give us more opportunities to perform in other countries.
–Then next time when you come to Japan, do you have some personal activities?
Nick: Hee-hee, you may come across at some place in the mall. And maybe on the street of Harajuku. Maybe on the top of some building, shouting: Backstreet’s back!